Saturday, September 14, 2013

Cookies and Ms. Fix It

Since Lila does not have school on Fridays, we had a fun morning of baking cookies and ballet. Lila continues to wake up by 5am. It was 6am for a while, and things were looking up! But then 5am became the new norm, sigh. Anyway, we baked cookies and fixed some things around the house so we could surprise daddy. Then Luisa showed up and Lila taught her yoga moves. In the afternoon we went swimming and Lila played ping pong with her friend Chloe and Chloe's mom, Laura. She met a new friend in the pool named Palmer.


Lila's vocabulary is just exploding! Yesterday on our way to ballet we passed her school and she said "Oh, there's my SHOOL! I wish I could go to my SHOOL today!" Her teachers told me that she talks to them in complete sentences and comforts others by saying "Oh, your doll will turn up" or "I have an idea! We can share and take turns" - so cute! 

On Monday morning we have a playdate with William, hard to coordinate now that they are in different schools with different schedules! In the afternoon Lila is starting a class called "Itty Bitty Broadway" at the Mill Valley Performing Arts Center. Stay tuned...

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